

Aldona is an enthusiastic advocate for promoting an active lifestyle and thoroughly enjoys connecting with individuals. Her captivating journey with Pilates started right here at The Pilates Clinic.

BASI Trained Instructor
She Believes

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Extra training: Pilates for Injuries and Pathologies Aldona is an enthusiastic advocate for promoting an active lifestyle and thoroughly enjoys connecting with individuals. Her captivating journey with Pilates started right here at The Pilates Clinic. “Driven by a pure curiosity to explore something new, I booked introductory sessions with Julia, which happened to be one of the most rewarding decisions I could have made for myself. Pilates became and instant love affair from the very first experience!” Aldona was deeply impressed by the impeccable professionalism and the wonderful guidance she received in her sessions, which led her to delve deeper into the teachings and principles of BASI. This exploration ignited a profound interest in the complexities and dynamics of the human body. Inspired by this newfound passion, she wholeheartedly embraced the Basi methodology by enrolling in a Comprehensive Teacher Training Course. Fully aware of the demanding journey ahead, Aldona understood that commitment and relentless effort were essential, for nothing worthwhile comes without dedication! Today, as a proud graduate of BASI, Aldona is thrilled to share her genuine love for Pilates with you. She deeply values constructive feedback, as it serves as a tool to craft a training program that supports you on your unique journey towards accomplishing your personal goals.