a client of ours who we love and adore!
Pilates and Health
Pilates Through Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondilytis

The Pilates focus on the core has been effective in significantly reducing my back and hip pain. My sciatica has all but disappeared.

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Rika Brixie
Pilates Instructor
Advanced Pilates
Pilates for Scoliosis

Pilates exercise as a means of managing scoliosis Our lovely pilates teacher Rika has lived with scoliosis and believes wholeheartedly in Pilates as a means of managing it…..

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who lives with Parkinsons, has kindly written us this personal and inspiring piece:
Pilates and Health
Pilates for Parkinsons

Pilates exercise keeps body fit and flexible, and prevents muscles from rapid decline, which can affect sufferers of Parkinson’s

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who uses Pilates to manage her spinal injuries:
Pilates and Health
Pilates with Spinal / Disc Conditions and Injuries

Pilates exercises to help manage spinal injuries and build strength

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